Fundraising campaigns

Active campaigns

Track your campaign

Track the success of your fundraising campaign in real time using your optimized dashboard. From the dashboard, you will not only be able to fill out your information, but also choose the method by which you would like to receive your rebate.

Easy management

No more handling money or filling out multiple forms. Planette takes care of this management for you! Orders for your campaign can come from all over the province.

Safety first

Benefit from secure transactions carried out 100% online. Although your page is personalized, our transactional system takes care of the payments.

Dedicated support

Access fast and efficient support from our dedicated team via a friendly support link.

Our New Platform

Our brand new platform is designed to offer you a unique, simple, pleasant and above all very lucrative experience! With a Planette campaign, you benefit from numerous advantages.

Two delivery options are offered:

Home delivery for $8.99 + taxes, free if purchase over $100

How does delivery take place after the campaign?

Delivery is 2 to 3 weeks after the end of the campaign. You only manage orders with the delivery option to the organization's premises selected. We then deliver the required products as well as the purchase orders. All you have to do is assemble everything and distribute the orders!

For orders with the home delivery option, Planette takes care of everything! The customer will receive their package tracking number by email. With essential household products for every home, this campaign is a strategic opportunity where everyone can participate.

A few hours of work for an exceptional 40% discount? This is a truly unique opportunity!

Example :

100 members of an organization spend $30 each on products

That’s $3,000 in sales for a $1,200 discount.

Create my campaign

Contact us to open your Planette financing organization account. A member of our team will contact you as soon as possible to obtain information about your project.